
How to handle rejection in sales

How to Handle Rejection in Sales: Who actually said no?

How to handle rejection in sales is such an interesting part of our psychology. It can completely crush some people where as it inspires others. Over the years I’ve seen the least likely win big, and the most talented, struggle. I’m convinced this phenomenon comes down to our ability to handle rejection in certain situations. …

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Deciding how much marketing budget you need

Deciding how much marketing budget you need

Budgeting is an essential part of managing finances, both in our personal lives and in business. It involves allocating resources and setting limits on spending in order to achieve financial goals. However, there is a new approach to budgeting that is gaining popularity – backwards budgeting. Backwards budgeting, also known as reverse budgeting or zero-based …

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Data Marketing Training for Tomorrow’s CMOs

Data-driven marketing is no longer an afterthought; it’s the primary driver of success in today’s business world. Without the proper training to become data-driven marketers, businesses run the risk of falling behind and being outpaced by their competitors. In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, businesses must make sure their marketing teams receive the training …

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E-Commerce Website Design from the Customer’s Standpoint

To whom was your e-commerce website designed to appeal? Before you answer, think carefully about how your site was designed, when it was designed, and who did the actual work. A thorough analysis may reveal that your company’s target audience isn’t actually being targeted at all. It takes a great deal of knowledge to understand …

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three marketing tools your website should be using

3 Basic Marketing Tools Your Website Should Have

These marketing tools are the baseline of what your website should be leveraging to improve its performance as a sales engine. Google Analytics: It’s shocking how many businesses have a website and either don’t have Google Analytics installed on their website, or don’t have it set up properly to track as much information as they …

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