Azola Creative's guide on what skills to put on a resume for marketers.

What Skills to Put on a Resume

Understanding what skills to put on your resume to stand out in the competitive marketing industry can be challenging. Your resume is your first impression in the job search process, and it’s crucial to highlight the skills and experiences that make you a perfect fit for the marketing role you’re seeking.

There are a lot of questions that come along in this process. How far back should a resume go? Should a resume be one page? What will help the recruiter see my resume as a good fit to put in front of the hiring manager?

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of crafting a compelling marketing resume, tailoring it to the job you want, and making the most of your professional experience. We’ll also explore how to upload your resume to LinkedIn, add Google Digital Marketing certifications, and present your work history effectively.

How to Write a Marketing Resume

When it comes to writing a marketing resume, it’s essential to convey your skills and experiences in a clear and concise manner. Begin by including a professional summary that captures your strengths and experience in the marketing field. Tailor this summary to the job you’re applying for, highlighting the skills and achievements most relevant to the role.

In the experience section of your resume, focus on quantifiable achievements and results. Use action verbs to describe your accomplishments, such as “increased,” “generated,” or “launched.” Employers in the marketing industry value measurable outcomes, so be sure to showcase your impact in previous roles.

Tailoring Your Resume to the Job

One of the most crucial aspects of resume writing is tailoring your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Carefully review the job description and requirements, and then align your skills and experiences with the needs of the employer.

Use keywords from the job posting to ensure that your resume makes it through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and captures the attention of hiring managers.

Adding Google Digital Marketing Certifications

Google Digital Marketing certifications are valuable credentials that demonstrate your expertise in various areas of digital marketing, such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, and more.

When adding these certifications to your resume, be sure to list them under a “Certifications” section or within the “Education” section. Provide the certification name, the organization (CMO Dashboard), and the date of completion. This not only showcases your knowledge but also adds credibility to your marketing skills.

People who invest in professional development are seen as the top 1% in a professional sense. Showing that you have invested in your own professional development elevates your value.

Uploading Your Resume to LinkedIn

To expand your job search and professional network, consider uploading your resume to LinkedIn. LinkedIn offers a feature that allows you to upload your resume directly to your profile, making it easily accessible to potential employers and recruiters. This feature is particularly useful for marketing professionals, as it increases your visibility and helps you connect with industry peers.

Presenting Your Work History

When detailing your work history on your resume, focus on relevance to the job you’re pursuing. Highlight experiences that closely align with the requirements of the marketing role. Use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and achievements in each position, keeping the content concise and impactful. Emphasize how your past experiences have equipped you with the skills needed to excel in the marketing field.

If you have gaps in your work history or jobs outside of the marketing field, focus on the transferable skills you possess. For example, if you worked in the restaurant industry, highlight your ability to relate to different types of people and your ability to up-sell or market additional services. Want some dessert, another drink?

In conclusion, your marketing resume should effectively communicate your skills, experiences, and certifications to prospective employers. By tailoring your resume to the job, adding relevant certifications, and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, you can enhance your job search and increase your chances of landing your desired marketing role. Remember, your resume is an opportunity to showcase your professional story and make a lasting impression in the competitive marketing industry. Good luck with your resume writing and job search endeavors!