
Data Marketing Training for Tomorrow’s CMOs

Data-driven marketing is no longer an afterthought; it’s the primary driver of success in today’s business world. Without the proper training to become data-driven marketers, businesses run the risk of falling behind and being outpaced by their competitors.

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, businesses must make sure their marketing teams receive the training they need to stay competitive. Ignoring the issue creates and inability to effectively reach your target audience and maximize your marketing ROI.

Today’s young marketers are tomorrow’s chief marketing officers (CMOs). They need to be well-versed in how to develop creative campaigns that are driven by data. To do this, they must learn to leverage both the left and right sides of their brains in order to make the most of their marketing efforts. By not investing in professional development for your marketing team, you will quickly reduce your ability to compete fiercely in a data-centric marketing environment.

Learn more about The Left Brain | Right Brain CMO Certification Program

Data Marketing is a Challenge for Nearly Everyone

Unfortunately, according to a recent survey by the CMO Council, nearly 90 percent of marketers struggle to use data in an effective way. This is due to a lack of understanding about the data-driven marketing landscape and what it takes to become a successful data-driven marketer. As a result, businesses are missing out on the opportunity to use data-driven marketing to reach their target audience, increase their ROI, and gain a competitive edge.

In addition to the lack of understanding about data-driven marketing, many are missing out on the opportunity to leverage data to create more targeted and personalized campaigns. According to the same survey, only “18 percent of marketers are using data to create more personalized customer experiences.” This means that the majority of businesses are failing to capitalize on the opportunity to use data to create campaigns that are more tailored to their customers’ needs.

A lack of Data Marketing Affects Customer Service Too

Finally, businesses are missing out on the opportunity to use data to improve their customer service efforts. According to the same survey, “only 17 percent of marketers are using data to create more customer-focused campaigns.” This means that businesses are not taking advantage of the opportunity to use data to better understand their customers and create campaigns that are tailored to their needs.

At the end of the day, businesses who don’t invest in professional development for their marketing teams will fall behind their competitors. They’re leaving opportunities on the table because they don’t leverage their creativity, fueled by data to create more targeted and personalized campaigns. This means less opportunity to use data to improve their customer service efforts.

Data Marketing and Creative Marketing can Work Together

By investing in professional development for their marketing teams, businesses can ensure that their CMOs are well-versed in the data-driven marketing landscape and have the skills needed to develop creative campaigns that are driven by data. This does not mean marketers need to give up their creativity and become data analyst. However, it does mean they or their employers need to invest in developing a bigger view of how data and creative marketing co-exists.

If you’re a marketer or have a marketing team that could use help becoming more data-centric in their creative thinking, contact us to learn more about The Left Brain | Right Brain CMO Certification Program.